"Nick-Toons" is the name given to in-house animated creations of Nickelodeon kids channel. They began in 1991 with these three original shows. Ren and Stimpy have all but disappeared from television after ending its run in 1995. Spike TV aired 3 episodes in 2003 before pulling it from its network. Ren and Stimpy is available on DVD, and for a short time, was available on iTunes.
Doug ran on Nickelodeon from 1991 to 1994. I was beyond excited when Disney purchased the series in 1996, and it began airing on Saturday morning cartoons on ABC as "Brand Spanking New! Doug" with a few creative differences and updated animation. The series ran to 1999 when it concluded with its own feature-length film. Doug is still available on Amazon and Disney Plus.
I was excited to see the cards and stickers from this pack. Doug was my absolute favorite cartoon for a time while I was a kid. It just seemed to hit right with me as I began elementary school and found new friends, which paralleled the story in Doug as the new kid in school, making friends and crushing on girls.
I was a little too old for RugRats (even though it was required S'Nick viewing for me) and a little too young for Ren and Stimpy.
First up is the temporary tattoos.
Two of the temporary tattoos featured Ren while Cinnamon Toast Man and
Mr. Horse round out this pack.
The log was one of my favorite bits on Ren and Stimpy and is featured here in the second set of temporary tattoos.
Reptar Bars were always one thing I wanted to be real from RugRats.
Finally, some Doug!
Stimpy's feet make up a part of the collectible puzzle piece on the back of the above card.
This is a fantastic sticker find in this pack! It's going to go on my new sticker collection on the wall in my garage.
This here is the "activity card." See the below image for details on how to make this a straw holder.