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Summer is Over. Get Ready for Fall and Halloween!

I hope everyone had a happy Labor Day Weekend!  We made it!
It's been a fun, long summer, and it's hard to believe it's already over!  

The days are getting dark by 8 PM again and, around here, the kids are headed back to school.  Even some of the leaves have already begun to change color, and it's starting to get nice and chilly for the early morning rides into work.

It's about this time each year I begin to relax, with the busy season at work finally over, and I often have some vacation time in September or October for a nice little vacation with Mrs. YesterYear.  As Labor Day is the unofficial "end" of summer, it's time to take a reset after pumping out summer-related content all summer long.  

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you all for sticking with me this summer!  I hope you enjoyed the summer-themed stuff, whether it was articles, memories, or Retro Scans!  

Here at home, we'll be going on vacation sometime this month to go see Uncle Mickey and Aunt Minnie!  I hope to have some good stories out of that trip for you as well.  

It's not all rest and relaxation away from this blog, though!  I have some fun posts already in the works for September, like another entry into the "Commercials of YesterYear" series and perhaps some Ghostbusters content to get us excited about the new movie coming this fall!

So y'all come back now, ya hear?
