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Retro RePost: My ABC's of Halloween

This is an oldie but goodie.  This post goes back to when the site was still pretty new in 2020, and I don't believe this is one I've ever "RePosted."  

A fun little game frequently played over at The Retro Network, and one that I've done for a few topics here at Yester Year was to take the "ABCs" and associate a word, place, or thing with that letter.

Have fun taking a peek at my list of Halloween ABCs, and let me know in the comments if there are any big ones you feel I missed or that are important to you!  Heck, if you have time, I'd love to hear your own ABCs!


  1. That was an interesting list (so far, anyway). I was going through it and thinking that’s what I would put for most of your choices, and the ones that I didn’t really associate with my Halloweens, I didn’t really have a better example for my list.

    I got down to “Sandy” and was like… wow. Glad you guys were okay in the end through all that. I was still tripping out over that as I continued reading through the list, and then I hit “Underwear” for “U”…

    I had to stop for a minute to laugh before I even read the explanation. I got to “green women’s underwear” and I had to stop again. Then on my third try, I read through the whole “U” part… and it only got worse!

    I haven’t even finished V-Z yet because of what you wrote for “U”. I’m going to give it another try in a few minutes, but I just had to stop and comment here on that first…

  2. Haha yes, Sandy was an interesting time. And yes, at 6 or 7 years old, they let me walk around outside like that!! I've tried to burn the evidence but I'm sure my Dad has a photo somewhere...
